Lower PolygoneLower Polygone
MADRID, 20-21 JUNI 2025


EXPERT Ultrasound and Anatomy Upper Limb
Injection Course for Botulinum Toxin Treatment

Meeting rationale: The management of upper limb spasticity requires experience and skills in various practical aspects. To ensure goal-directed therapy, it is essential to provide a precise diagnosis and identify attainable goals. Correct diagnosis is crucial for targeting the appropriate muscles. For effective therapy, one must acquire knowledge about the safe usage and optimal treatment response with Botulinum toxin. To achieve this, it is essential to accurately localize and inject target structures.

The objective of this meeting is to promote the use of ultrasound as a guiding technique for injections. Ideally, the knowledge acquired will contribute to an enhan-cement in patient care.

Pre-course learning:

To improve participants learning experience a personalized access for a Micro learning App will be circulated. The App (Atrivity) should be used as preparation for the workshop. In a gamified way we would like you to prepare and compete together with the other participants as a start into this workshop. This will allow us to address your needs and your skill level during the training.

Tid och plats

June 20-21, 2025


Friday, location: University Hospital La Paz, IdiPAZ, C. de Pedro Rico, 6, 28029 Madrid, Spain

Saturday, location: Complutense University, Facultad de Medicina, Pl. de Ramón y Cajal, s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain


Prof. David Hernández Herrero, University Hospital La Paz, Madrid TBD, University Hospital La Paz, Madrid

Dr. Jose López Araujo, University Hospital La Paz, Madrid TBD, University Hospital La Paz, Madrid

Dr. Carlos Cordero García, Hospital Juan Ramón Jimenez, Huelva

Dr. Alexandre Camões-Barbosa, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central, Portugal



Location: University Hospital La Paz, IdiPAZ, C. de Pedro Rico, 6, 28029 Madrid, Spanien

13:00–14:00 Lunch

14:00–14:15 Welcome and introduction (D. Hernández Herrero)

14:15–14:45 Commonly used Scales for Spasticity diagnosis (D. Hernández )

14:45–15:30 How to set the right goals for patients with spasticity (A. Camões)

15:30–15:45 Coffee Break

15:45–16:15 Practical Part I: How to apply scales and the set Goals (Toxnet Goal tool) (A. Camões)

16:15–16:45 Botulinum toxin therapy in the upper limb (UL) and shoulder (C. Cordero )

16:45–17:30 Practical Part II: Ultrasound guided muscle identification

17:30–19:00  Patient cases and injection (J. López, C. Cordero)

21:00 Dinner


Location: Complutense University, Facultad de Medicina, Pl. de Ramón y Cajal, s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain

09:00–09:45 Anatomy of the shoulder and Upper limb (J. López Araujo)

09:45–11:15 Practical part II:

Station 1

• Anatomy and dummy injections in small groups in the dissection hall (All)

• US-guided injections in UL and shoulder (prone position)

Station 2

• US-guided injections in UL and shoulder (supine position)

11:15–11:30 Coffee Break

11:30–13:00 Practical Part III:

• Target training using anatomical landmarks (color resin injection)

• Control of color injections

• US-guided injections in UL and shoulder (prone position)

• US-guided injections in UL and shoulder (supine position)

13:00 Lunch & Departure

This meeting has been organised and funded by Merz Therapeutics GmbH. The chairpersons have chosen the speakers and agenda. The topics discussed represent the views of the speakers and not necessarily those of Merz.

Begränsat antal platser, kontakta Merz för intresseanmälan om deltagande.

Intresseanmälan utbildning

Anmälan utbildning Madrid xx maj 2025
