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XEOMIN® – Blandning och beredning

Sammanfattande instruktionsblad för blandning och beredning.

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Beställ övningsflaska

En övningsflaska, med placeboinnehåll, framtagen speciellt för blandningsträning.

Material inom sialorré

Drooling of Saliva

Workbook: Sialorrhoea, saliva production and functions, definition of drooling, anatomy and physiology of the salivary glands, clinical assessment of the patient with drooling, botulinum toxin treatment and the use of ultrasound as a localizing technique.

Pictorial Guide to Botulinum Toxin Injection

Wolfgang Jost. Overview of injection patterns, upper and lower limb muscles, normal range of motion, additional therapies, principal scales used in rehabilitation.

Material inom spasticitet

Ultrasound Guided Botulinum Toxin Injections – Quick Guide

A practical booklet to optimise identification of commonly injected muscles. Ultrasound pictures of upper extremity.

Ultrasound Guided Botulinum Toxin Injections – Upper limb

A practical booklet to optimise identification of commonly injected muscles. Basic target identification techniques upper extremity: Arm, forearm, shoulder and hand.

Botulinum Toxin injection workbook

Management of spasticity – Clinical applications and needle techniques. Anatomical positioning, ultrasound essentials, muscles of the elbow, forearm and hand.

Pictorial Guide to Botulinum Toxin Injection

Wolfgang Jost. Overview of injection patterns, upper and lower limb muscles, normal range of motion, additional therapies, principal scales used in rehabilitation.

Material inom dystoni

The Col Cap Concept

Neck muscles in cervical dystonia, guidelines for botulinum toxin therapy. Movement levels, cross-section of the neck, seven large head muscles and effects of neck muscles in cervical dystonia.

Pictorial Guide to Botulinum Toxin Injection

Wolfgang Jost. Overview of injection patterns, upper and lower limb muscles, normal range of motion, additional therapies, principal scales used in rehabilitation.

Material inom blefarospasm

Blepharospasm - lifting the lid

The book explores the various facets of blepharospasm and reports some real-life cases. The patients’ words concretely describe this rare disorder that is still not well enough understood.

Pictorial Guide to Botulinum Toxin Injection

Wolfgang Jost. Overview of injection patterns, upper and lower limb muscles, normal range of motion, additional therapies, principal scales used in rehabilitation.

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Inspelat material


Länk till pivotal XEOMIN®-studie till grund för indikation kronisk hypersalivering (sialorré) till följd av neurologiska sjukdomar, vuxna:

Jost W.H, et al. SIAXI: Placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study of incobotulinumtoxinA for sialorrhea. Neurology (2019) Apr 23;92(17):e1982-e1991

Länk till pivotal XEOMIN®-studie till grund för indikation kronisk hypersalivering (sialorré) till följd av neurologiska sjukdomar, barn och ungdomar:

Berweck S, et al. Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of IncobotulinumtoxinA for Sialorrhea in Children: SIPEXI. Neurology (2021) Oct 4;97(14):e1425-e1436

Länk till pivotal XEOMIN®-studie till grund för indikation spasticitet i övre extremiteter:

Kanovsky P, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Botulinum Neurotoxin NT 201 in Poststroke Upper Limb Spasticity. Clin Neuropharm (2009) 32:250 –265

Länkar till pivotala XEOMIN®-studier till grund för indikation cervikal dystoni:

Benecke R, et al. A new botulinum toxin type A free of complexing proteins for treatment of cervical dystonia. Neurology (2005) 64:1949–1951

Evidente V.G.H, et al. A randomized, double-blind study of repeated incobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®) in cervical dystonia. J Neural Transm (2013) 120(12):1699-707

Länk till pivotal XEOMIN®-studie till grund för indikation blefarospasm:

Roggenkämper P, et al. Efficacy and safety of a new Botulinum Toxin Type A free of complexing proteins in the treatment of blepharospasm. J Neural Transm (2006) 113: 303–312

Länkar till studier om XEOMIN® och immunogenicitet:

Frevert J. Content of botulinum neurotoxin in Botox®/Vistabel®, Dysport®/Azzalure®, and Xeomin®/Bocouture®. Drugs R D. 2010;10(2):67–73. 

Frevert J. Pharmaceutical, biological, and clinical properties of botulinum neurotoxin type A products. Drugs R D. 2015;15(1):1–9.

Carr WW, et al. Immunogenicity of Botulinum Toxin Formulations: Potential Therapeutic Implications. Adv Ther. 2021;38(10):5046-5064. 

Länk till XEOMIN® produktresumé:

Xeomin® produktresumé fass.se

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