EXPERT Ultrasound and Anatomy Neck
Injection Course for Botulinum Toxin Treatment
Meeting rationale: The management of cervical dystonia and salivary glands can be complex and requires experience in a range of practical techniques. To ensure the safe usage and an optimal treatment response with botulinum toxin therapy, muscles should be correctly localized and injected muscles precisely target. Especially thin muscles and profound muscles often require guidance during the injection. The workshop participants will learn how to use ultrasound guidance for localization and injection. The accuracy of injections in the neck and the salivary glands will be compared using anatomical landmarks and using ultrasound in cadaveric specimens. This practical workshop will provide the opportunity for a small group to improve their injection technique skills and foster their anatomy knowledge which ultimately improves the safe use of botulinum toxin.
Pre-course learning:
To improve participants learning experience a personalized access for a Micro learning App will be circulated. The App (Atrivity) should be used as preparation for the workshop. In a gamified way we would like you to prepare and compete together with the other participants as a start into this workshop. This will allow us to address your needs and your skill level during the training.
Tid och plats
February 14th &15th, 2025
Friday afternoon, location: Hospital la Fe, Avinguda de Fernando Abril Martorell, 106
Saturday morning, location: Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Medicina y odontología. Av. de Blasco Ibáñez, 15
Dr. Irene Martínez-Torres, University Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain
Dr. José Ignacio Tembl, University Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain
Dr. Isabel Sastre, University Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain
Friday afternoon. Location: Hospital la Fe.
15:00–15:10 Welcome
15:10–15:30 Merz Sialorrhea Trial SIAXI and SIPEXI
15:30–15:50 The ultrasound anatomy of the head and neck
15:50–16:30 Phenomenology of Cervical Dystonia and practical Examples (Theory and case Examples)
16:30–17:00 Break
17:00–18:40 Ultrasound usage with models
18:40–20:00 Injection of botulinum toxin of patients with ultrasound-guidance
21:00 Dinner
Saturday morning. Location: Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Medicina y odontología. Facultad de Medicina. Sala de disección (lower Floor). Dpto. de Anatomía y Embriología Humana.
09:00–09:30 Review of neck and head muscles in relationship with vessels and nerves
09:30–11:00 Injection in fresh specimens with palpation guide and with eco guide
11:00–11:30 Coffee break
11:30–12:45 Dissection and revision of the anatomy at the specimens
12:45–13:00 Summary and Close
13:00 Light lunch
This meeting has been organised and funded by Merz Therapeutics GmbH. The chairpersons have chosen the speakers and agenda. The topics discussed represent the views of the speakers and not necessarily those of Merz.
Begränsat antal platser, kontakta Merz för intresseanmälan om deltagande.